Use the following books to broaden your knowledge about psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. The life you save may be your own or that of a loved one. These four books are four of the five books mentioned in the Huffington Post article on how to spot psychopaths in your life. Click on the gallery that is part of the article to see the five books.

Without Conscience
Dr. Robert Hare

A Dance with the Devil
Barbara Bentley

Snakes in Suits
Dr. Robert Hare

“Psychopaths are experts at manipulating facts and twisting the truth.  If a victim becomes suspicious and challenges a story, the psychopath responds without hesitation, offering a plausible explanation that often contains a kernel of truth.  At other times, they will smoothly glide away from the question. No matter which way the psychopath gives an answer, the victim is left feeling foolish or crazy”. Barbara Bentley, A DANCE WITH THE DEVIL


Women Who Love

How to Spot a
Dangerous Man

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