Bullying of any type is not okay. With the arrival of social media via the internet, it has taken on an even more ominous threat to the mental health of anyone who falls victim to it. It is important for teens to educate themselves on the nature of bullying and cyber-stalking. Please visit the sites listed below for more information. If you are a victim of cyberbullying, do not keep it to yourself. Tell a trusted adult. If that is not possible, tell a trusted friend for support. Use the sights below for additional information.
BULLYING PREVENTION: This site provides information from various government agencies on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how you can prevent and respond to bullying.
BULLYING AWARENESS & PREVENTION: Bullying is not just a buzzword co-opted by the media to drive ratings from frightened school children and their worried parents. Bullying is a serious problem that has far-reaching implications for the person being bullied—and for the bully as well. In this guide, readers will find information on what bullying is, how it impacts people, and where victims can get help.
INTERNET SAFETY TIPS: This page on the National Children’s Advocacy website provides a list of internet safety tips for kids and teens. It also provides further resources. Thankfully, with a little knowledge, the savvy can protect themselves from internet predators.
TECHNOLOGY SAFETY: The Safety Net Project develops resources and information on the use of technology for agencies and survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and trafficking. The toolkits provided contain helpful information for victim service agencies and survivors.