Traits of Antisocials: Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists

The following information is taken from the Wikipedia article on antisocial personality disorder.  Even the experts can’t agree on terminology, but what you can learn from this list is the behavior associated with psychopaths and sociopaths.  Whatever the label, one thing is for sure. The victim caught up in the crazy-making world suffers emotionally and financially when they meet up with evil.

  • Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others. Studies show they self-report the same lack of feeling.

  • No conscience (no concern for right or wrong), although they may pretend to have one.

  • Persistent lying or stealing

  • Manipulating / tricking others. Are very good actors. They have been acting all their lives, so many are very good at it (some less so). In many cases can trick people for years

  • Social bullying. Aggressive and extensive manipulation of others (people used a pawns against individuals selected as targets) towards the end of domination and control at the expense of victims. Includes being nice to some people in order to enlist their help in victimizing targets (tricking good people into helping them to abuse falsely accused victims)

  • Using ethical standards to entrap others while ignoring all ethics personally (spiderweb tactics, the web is made of ethical rules, and the person with ASPD is the predator at the center of the web)

  • Cruelty to animals

  • Poor behavioral controls — expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper

  • A history of childhood conduct disorder

  • Recurring difficulties with the law (in some cases, others are unethical but avoid prison)

  • Promiscuity

  • Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others

  • Aggressive, violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights (not all ASPDs are violent, more prefer social aggression, although violence is significantly more common among ASPDs than for the normal population)

  • Inability to tolerate boredom, extreme feelings of emptiness when not stimulated

  • Extreme egotism combined with rage-driven insecurity (rage may be direct or may be hidden, poisonous and passive-aggressive/covert)

  • Poor or abusive relationships (may hide abuse early in the relationship and as the victim becomes more trapped / dependent on the relationship, abusive behavior begins to increase)

  • Extreme arrogance (although it may be hidden in order to deceive others)

  • Irresponsible work behavior

  • Disregard for personal safety

  • May experience fear as a pleasant emotion (a mild thrill) while being incapable of feeling terror, even in situations that would terrify most others

  • Thinks that everyone else is like them, only inferior (thinks everyone else is also sociopathic or is ASPD like them, although less intelligent, and more gullible). Doesn’t know what love or caring is, so can’t imagine that anyone else really feels it. Others must be faking

  • Emotionally color-blind (with the exception of anger, jealously, humour, lust and possibly mild fear).[12] Does feel pleasure when controlling others

  • Can not feel love. Does not know what it is. When others express love towards them, they see this as a weakness and try to use it to their advantage

  • In group situations can become power-brokers and serial-bullies (the leader of the pack). Many in the group will have no idea they are being fooled by an ASPD or sociopath. Such groups will always have a series of targets (individuals who the ASPD is leading the group to attack or victimize). There is always a “good” reason (story made up by the ADP and his close cronies) for why each victim must be abused by the group, this way good people can be used by the ASPD to do bad things

  • Other common characteristics of those with Antisocial Personality Disorder include superficial charm, shallowed emotions, a distorted sense of self, a constant search for new sensations (which can have bizarre consequences), a tendency to physically or verbally abuse (selected) peers or relatives while manipulating or “playing up to” others, and manipulation of others without remorse or empathy for the victim. Egocentrism, megalomania, lack of responsibility, extroversion, excessive hedonism, high impulsivity, and the desire to experience sensations of control and power can also be present. This type of disorder does not relate to assaults of panic or to schizophrenia.

Recommended in
article as one of
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in your life. Click on the gallery to see the five books

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