Victims of antisocials or domestic violence need help to recover. But in their state of confusion they may not know where to turn. This section provides links to several groups who maintain lists of resources to assist victims find the help they need.
CRIME VICTIMS SERVICES: Most states and/or counties have a Crime Victims Services program. Some are more effective than others but it doesn’t hurt to see what is available in your area. To locate the program in your state or county, go to you web browser’s search filed and type in Crime Victims Services along with your state or county.
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE – OFFICE ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: This website provides an interactive map where you can click on your state to find local resources.
NATIONAL ORGANIZATION for VICTIMS ASSISTANCE (NOVA): This organization’s mission is to champion dignity and compassion for victims of crime and crisis. Founded in 1975, NOVVA is the oldest national victim assistance organization of its type in the United States and is the recognized leader in this noble cause.
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: Employment Service, Unemployment Insurance, Grants, Training and More
DIRECTORY OF CRIME VICTIM SERVICES: This online resource is from the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC). Since its launch in 2003, the Directory has helped thousands of crime victims and service providers find non-emergency crime victims service agencies in the United States and abroad. Search by State or Country. Go to the home page and click “Search the Directory.”
GUIDES FOR DOMESTIC ABUSE WHEN DRUG ADDICTION IS INVOLVED: Domestic violence is the intentional use of emotional, psychological, sexual or physical force by one family member or intimate partner to control another. Victims of domestic violence who struggle with addiction face significant barriers to receiving treatment, but programs that effectively address addiction and abuse-related trauma are available. This site provides information for the causes of domestic violence, the link between domestic and substance abuse, coping with sexual abuse, sexual abuse and addictions, barriers to treatment, treating substance use disorders and domestic abuse and RESOURCES FOR VICTIMS.